Thursday, March 25, 2010

Alice in the Wonderland

Ooo~i have always wanted to watch this movie from Walt Disney!
So yesterday, i had finally went MidValley GSC to watch it~ the Alice In The Wonderland 2D~ wit my friend!

I have long waited it ever since its trailer's out.
After the movie, i felt a little disappointing for the movie actually =(
Overall, it wasn't as adventurous/ as magical/ as fantasy/ as interesting as expected.
*PS: I would definitely recommend the movie ~Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theft~.If you have watched it, you would know what i mean..*

However, the character in the movie Alice were pretty interesting. I kinda fancy the Cheshire Cat. It is one of the character that had amazed me the most throughout the movie. Besides that, the movie does have some sense of humor at the beginning, before Alice felt into the giant tree hole & went into the Wonderland.

This is the Cheshire Cat ^^
Red Queen~the bad guy~ is also a unique character too..she's kinda funny~

White Queen-the good guy, acted by Anne Hathaway~♥..a very visually interesting character too! u will find her very interesting/funny ESP when she turn around &

To be frank, I haven really read story on Alice in the Wonderland. Not even in my childhood. Just sort of heard about it.

So, watching the movie kinda make me blur and confuse. Probably because Alice kept saying "I didn't know what to do, I'm not the real Alice! Why must I kill the dragon?!" ...@@ and...Everything seemed so prompt! Suddenly..*poof* Alice cut the dragon's head and..wuhoo~She's the heroine~

Now, Alice is settle.. the next movie i wana watch is HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON which its 2D movie version will be release on 25 March 2010.. i heard it was nice, as recommended by my friends ^^
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